Favicon – Create Favicon For Your Website

Create favicon — address bar icon, or bookmark icon for your blog, and website.
Updated for Photoshop CS4

Favicon - Address bar icon

This is to show you how to create and add your own favicon to your website or blog – including your Blogger/Blogspot, WordPress… The process is really simple and nearly the same for a website or a blog. First you need to create a favicon with Photoshop or with other tools; then upload the favicon to your website.

How Search Engines Work

How Search Engines Read and Index Web Pages

Search engine image

This article is to provide you with the very first steps of making your website VISIBLE for search engines that is to understand how search engines work. Understanding how search engines work should happen before any SEO [Search engine optimization] works, and even before the website is created.

About search engines:

Search engines use web robots or web crawlers/ web spiders, which are programs traversing the website automatically, to index the web content to their database. Search engine’s job is to provide people with the information that is as close to what they searched for [known as search terms, keywords, key terms] as possible, no matter what form the requested information is in text, image, or video.

HTML List of Countries in the World

HTML list for countries in the world for your HTML form

Related article: HTML select list of states in the US

This HTML select list / pull-down menu of countries in the world will come in handy when you need to create a Contact form with a drop-down menu for countries. The pull-down menu will make it easier for your users to input their countries and make the output consistent on your end.

HTML List of States in the U.S.

HTML list for States in the U.S. for your HTML form

Related article: HTML select list of countries in the world

This HTML select list / pull-down menu of U.S. states will come in handy when you need to create a Contact form for the U.S. The pull-down menu will make it easier for your users to input their states and make the output consistent on your end.

HTML Special Characters – Special Entities

Want to add copyright symbol ©, trademark ™, or registered symbol ® to your website?
Here are some of the most commonly used HTML special characters/ special entities.

Roughly, special entities / special characters are characters that you may not be able to type them directly from the keyboard and make them display properly on your website. Copryright symbol ©, trademark symbol ™, registered mark ® or accented letters like á and ñ are examples of special characters.

An entity begins with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon (;). For example, the following is an entity for the copyright symbol: © which will be displayed as © in your browser.