Archive: Softwares

Excel – Highlight Cells That Meet Specific Criteria with Conditional Formatting

How to use MS Excel conditional formatting to change text/background colors of cells automatically

Excel conditional formatting

When doing some Excel-based marketing report, whether it’s web analytic report or sales related report, most of the times, I used some conditional formatting to automatically highlight cells that meet certain criteria such as highlighting cells of under-performing or over-performing shops, under/over-performing regions for revenue reports; highlighting cells based on contract value; highlighting cells that have “N/A” or negative numbers; or highlighting cells of web pages that have poor performance in page visits for a certain period of time.

How To Use Adobe Acrobat Professional 9

How to use Adobe Acrobat Professional from creating a PDF document, inserting or deleting pages, to creating and editing bookmarks

Creating a PDF document

The free Adobe Acrobat Reader is to read/open a PDF file; to create a PDF document, you need Adobe Acrobat Writer, also called Adobe Acrobat Professional, which is not free. With Adobe Acrobat Professional installed, you can convert almost any type of documents into a PDF by using menu File > Print then select Adobe PDF as the printer; hit OK and you’ll have a PDF document.

Fix MS Word 2010 to PDF Link Problem

Simple way to fix broken links in PDF after converted from Word 2007 or 2010

MS Word 2010 broken link problem

I’ve lived with this bug for quite a while, just now decided to write a short post about fixing the broken links and broken text problem after converting MS Word 2010 document to PDF. If you don’t experience this issue, then lucky you, if you’ve been noticing the issue, then read on as the fix is very simple. By the way, there’re all sorts of issues with Office 2010, another one is the printing issue with PowerPoint 2010.

PowerPoint 2010 Printing Issue and Workaround

PowerPoint 2010 won’t print with comments. Any possible workaround?

PPT 2010 printing issue

Microsoft Office is not my favorite subject, but since switching to MS 2010, I’ve written several posts about it as many issues have arisen. The latest issue I encountered was that I couldn’t print some PowerPoint 2010 slide decks no matter what I tried. After hours of looking into the problem, here’s what I found.

You can’t print PowerPoint 2010 slides with comment(s)

It’s like a bug in PPT 2010 as I saw many people posting the same complaint about the issue, but there was no clear solutions. You can’t print PowerPoint 2010 slides while there’s or are comments inside the file; even if it’s the only one comment located on the last slide.

Display Excel Data On a Web Page

How to quickly display data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to a webpage online

Display Excel data on website

At the company where I’m working we have a marketing calendar in MS Excel showing schedule for different marketing events and activities. The file is maintained by marketing and regularly updated with new speaking engagement opportunities or changes of venues to current events. And every time we updated it, we put a copy on a network or shared drive so that other people can access it. Later, we made it a little easier to access by putting a link to the Excel file on a web page.